
Visit to the Holy See’s Agency for Evaluation and Promotion of the Quality of the Universities and Faculties, Vatican City, Italy

Representatives of the Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education, led by the Deputy Director MSc Tijana Stanković, on 14 May, during a study visit to Rome, had a meeting in Vatican at the Holy See’s Agency for Evaluation and Promotion of the Quality of the University and Faculty, AVEPRO with the President of the Agency, Fr.A Andrzei Wodka and the Director Mr Riccardo Cinquegrani.

In addition to all the common themes related to the quality assurance of higher education, decision-making procedures, to the Montenegrin Agency is a very important experience that AVEPRO in becoming member of ENQA. A second self-evaluation procedure is under way in the Vatican Agency for the purpose of renewing membership in the ENQA. Representatives of the Montenegrin Agency have had the opportunity, through the experience of AVEPRO in achieving the European Standards and Guidelines, to define solutions that can be applied in assuring the quality of higher education in Montenegro. Mrs. Wodka stressed in particular the importance of the report on the quality evaluation of higher education institutions as a presentation of their quality to the public and the Agency’s partnership with higher education institutions.

Representatives of the two Agencies identified key areas for establishing cooperation and strengthening capacities in the field of higher education.

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