
Meeting of the Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue, organized by the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG)

ACQAHE representatives attended the three-day meeting of the Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue, organized by the Bologna Follow-up  Group (BFUG), held in Rome, Italy, from September 27-29, 2023.

The topic of the meeting was commitment to the implementation of the 4th goal of sustainable development of the United Nations (SDG4), the status of its implementation in certain countries, inclusion in national strategic documents, monitoring and financing of its implementation.

The first day was dedicated to the presentation of goals and activities within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), emphasizing the fact that the Bologna process can be seen as a model or a source of inspiration for countries striving for reforms and quality of higher education, and in no case as a “label for quality”, nor “quick recipe” for modernization and reforms in higher education. Furthermore, EHEA is a product of the Bologna Process, which includes EU countries, but also beyond, i.e. all member countries of the Council of Europe, including Montenegro.

The EHEA adopted 3 key obligations in order to implement the aforementioned reforms, namely: quality assurance in accordance with ESG, the qualification framework and the Lisbon Convention on recognition and the addition of diplomas. The focus of the meeting in Rome was a key commitment related to quality, and more specifically to the implementation of the 4th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG4).

During the second day, in the introductory session, all 17 goals of sustainable development of the United Nations were presented, as well as research related to the implementation of these goals in specific countries. The agenda of the second day was designed in such a way that the Coordination Group was divided into 3 subgroups which were given different work tasks. Representatives of the ACQAHE participated in subgroup 1. for the development of a strategy that includes SD4, and in subgroup 3. for the localization of sustainable development goals and partnerships.

It was pointed out that the creation of a strategic document at the national level represents the first step in the implementation of the SDGs, therefore it was analyzed which of the countries already have developed strategies that include the SDGs. The framework of the strategy was also identified, stating how should a strategy look like in order to precisely define the implementation of the SDGs. Additionally, methods for implementation, monitoring, and financing of implementation were also discussed.

Examples of countries and higher education systems that implement SDG4 through their institutions are: Austria, Croatia, Greece, Ireland, Slovenia and the United Kingdom.

Additionally, during the second day, it was analyzed how countries currently relate to the set priorities within the SDG, how these priorities are incorporated in national strategies, as well as who are the relevant stakeholders participating in that process.

The third day was devoted to summarizing the impressions and key messages from the aforementioned 3 subgroups, but also to the presentation of the Agenda for the next meeting of the Coordination Group, as well as the Agenda of the Forum on Global Policies, which will be an introduction to the Ministerial Conference in Tirana in 2024.

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