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Strengthening of the capacities of the Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education through the possibility to withdraw pre-accession EU funds

Meeting of the Director of the Agency Prof Srđa Popović PhD and the National IPA Coordinator Ivana Glišević Đurović took place in the Agency’s premises.

The meeting was used to present the activities of the newly established Agency and its strategic goals and future activities. Among other things, the representatives of the Agency underlined that one of the important goals of the Agency was to become a member of international organizations and to become recognizable in the European Higher Education Area.

Ms Glišćević stated that, given the goals and scope of work of the Agency, the cooperation of the two institutions could primarily be developed in the field of EU funds. The Deputy Chief Negotiator and the National IPA coordinator underlined that EU funds could be of multiple benefit for this stage in the Agency’s development and that they could be used through the National IPA, TAIEX and TWINNING programmes, as well as through the cross-border cooperation programmes. She added that, although the application for the pre-accession funds was a demanding and time consuming process it was undoubtedly the best mechanism for building of the lacking capacities, particularly in such an important field as education.

The meeting also included presentation of the results achieved so far, as well as the priorities for future work, i.e. the areas where the Agency is trying to strengthen its capacities with a view to raising the quality of higher education in Montenegro. The participants identified potential areas where EU pre-accession funds can be used.