
Study Visit of the Montenegrin Delegation to French Higher Education Institutions within the Erasmus+ Project “Me-study in English”

The Montenegrin delegation, consisting of Milica Kavedžić, Deputy Director of the ACQAHE, Dragana Ćetković, General Director of the Directorate for Higher Education and Student Standards, and Dunja Bulajić, Advisor for International Cooperation at ACQAHE, visited French institutions from January 13 to 15, 2025, as part of the project “Promoting the Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions in Montenegro through Capacity Building for English-Taught Programs” (Me-study in English).

The visit was hosted by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Quality Assurance Agency (HCERES), led by the Deputy Director for European and International Affairs, Manuel Bouard, and the Head of the International Cooperation Department, Sophie Guillet.

The visit provided an opportunity for ACQAHE to promote the project and present its role, which primarily focuses on acquiring best practices related to the evaluation of English-taught study programs.

Representatives of French institutions presented their Internationalization Strategy, as well as the “Bienvenue en France” platform for attracting international students, and the quality label #CeQuint (Certificate for Quality in Internationalization), which could potentially be applied in Montenegro.

During the study visit it was concluded that creating new English-taught study programs in Montenegro plays a crucial role in internationalisation and further integration of Montenegrin higher education institutions into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

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