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Study Visit to the QAA in Scotland on the integration of ESGs into the work of QA agencies in higher education from the Western Balkans countries

ACQAHE’s representatives participated in the Study Visit to the Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education in Scotland in the period from 20th to 23rd March 2024, held at the premises of the University of Edinburg and the Heriot-Watt University.

The study visit to Scottish institutions is the result of negotiations with the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) of the United Kingdom, supported by the Thematic Group C for Quality Assurance (BFUG), the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), as well as the Erasmus+ project “Better academic qualifications for quality assurance” (BAQUAL).

The main goal of the study visit was to exchange experience on the integration of European standards and guidelines (ESG) into the work of quality assurance agencies, as well as experience related to research activities between representatives of Scottish institutions and Western Balkans (WB6) QA agencies.

Across the three-day visit, WB6 participants and QAA colleagues discussed a range of topics, including legislative framework in line with ESG, stakeholder engagement, thematic analysis, topics for research in HE, micro-credentials etc.

The first day of the study visit was an opportunity for discussion on research topics on HE systems with esteemed researchers from the Higher Education Research Group (HERG) at the University of Edinburg, which led to a mutual agreement on future project collaboration between ACQAHE and HERG.

The following next two days were dedicated to the presentations and discussions with QAA colleagues and representatives of the Heriot-Watt University.

Speaking about the visit, QAA’s Deputy CEO, Alastair Delaney said: “This was an excellent opportunity for QAA to strengthen relationships with our partner quality agencies across Europe. Hosting study visits like this one helps to underpin trust in the quality of UK education and cements QAA and the UK’s commitment to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).”

During this visit, participants got familiar with the fact that the UK system incorporates ESGs by taking into account the specificities of the national system and places a special focus on preparing the guidelines for all the procedures, as they find the enhancement orientation more effective than strictly focusing on the rules.

The most important impression ACQAHE’s representatives will continue to disseminate within the Montenegrin HE system is that trust and good cooperation of all stakeholders are the keys to success and that a shift in focus from control to enhancing the culture of quality is essential in the future endeavours.

The Study visit presentations can be downloaded here: