ACQAHE representative attended the meeting of the Task Force Enhancing Knowledge Sharing in the EHEA community, organized by the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG), held in Tirana, Albania, in the period from October 8 to 10, 2023.
The first working day was dedicated to the presentation of goals and activities within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the achievements of the Rome Communique from 2020. The results of the analysis conducted on the basis of a questionnaire distributed to stakeholders in the EHEA member countries, as well as outside the EHEA, were also discussed. The topic of the questionnaire was how much and which stakeholders (students, teaching staff, management of higher education institutions, quality assurance agencies, ministries…) in the EHEA countries are familiar with the Bologna process and its implementation. The possible contribution of this Task Force to the Tirana Communique, which will be signed during the Ministerial Conference in Tirana in 2024, was discussed as well.
The second working day was open to the public and was attended by the media, students and teaching staff of the University of Tirana. Participants from the countries of the Western Balkans presented the achievements regarding the 3 key commitments adopted by the EHEA in 2018: quality assurance in accordance with ESG, the qualification framework and the Lisbon Convention on recognition and the diploma supplement. Achievements in the implementation of the Bologna Process in Montenegro were presented by Dunja Bulajić from ACQAHE.
The working group will continue with activities and preparation of materials for the improvement of knowledge exchange in the EHEA community.